3 Reasons Why You Should NOT Wait to Visit A Dentist


   dent cartoon

Visiting the dentist can be a daunting task. On top of the many scheduled events, kids, pets, cleaning, and other responsibilities, going to the dentist may be the furthest thing from our minds! However, too often it is not even a priority. Here are 3 very convincing reasons to go visit a dentist today [for you or your kid(s)]!


pig money

Kind of a strange thought. You use money (co-pays) to save money. How? you ask. Say you go in to the dentist a need a small filling done. You decide to wait a few days, then a few weeks, and finally 2 months later, you decide to get the filling done. By that time you may already need a root canal or extraction, which is easily 2-5x more expensive than a filling.

At Children’s Dental World, we talk directly with your insurance company, before and after your appointment, so you can rest assured you will know how much to expect to pay, and won’t pay more than what you have to. In addition we offer zero to low-interest payment plans through CareCredit! 🙂


save time

Going along with the thought from above. A filling would generally take one visit (sometimes you may even have it taken care of the same day). A root canal- at LEAST two visits. An implant- Several visits over a period of several months. Get things taken care of early to prevent timely extensive treatments!

At Children’s Dental, you and your child are a priority to us. We do our best to have you come back the fewest number of times as possible.


life saver

Have you ever been to a medical physical exam, and the doctor checked your teeth, gums, tongue, or mouth? Neither have I! In addition to examining for cavities, the dentist usually takes radiographs of your mouth, and sometimes the head. Dentist also check your jaw, bite, and any abnormalities on your face or near your mouth.

There were a handful of times our dentists were able to catch a growth/lesion that we immediately sent over to a specialist, and they were able to remove the growth/lesion in time.

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